Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wicked White Winter Week, aka... Blizzard 2011

It's been a wild week.  As predicted, we got hit with a blizzard here in the Chicagoland area.  For once those weather people were right!  We were in and ready to stay put Tuesday afternoon.  School got called off on Wednesday and Thursday.  The kids had fun out in the snow on Wednesday.  I definitely had time to continue folding fabric... yes, I'm still working on it.  It's a little like re-shopping or Christmas... I've forgotten some of the fabrics I have had put away in drawers.  It's nice to have a refresher of what I have "in stock".  I definitely encourage you to go through your fabric stash or collection once every few years.  You don't have to fold them like I have been so busy doing, but it is nice to visit with the old friends and have a chat.  I also took time to put away a years worth of magazines.  I just love most of the quilt magazines out on the market today and can't seem to part with them.  I have found that I might not have liked a pattern or two on my initial look through a magazine, but in the years since, I have definitely changed my mind a time or two.  Any ideas on what to do with the ones that many years old? 
Here are some of the photos I took of our blizzard.  Hope you are all warm and happy and busy quilting, crafting, or doing whatever it is that warms your soul.

Here it comes... I  thought it was fun to watch the mailbox disappear.

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